The BOOKING FORM for September 2024 places is now live!


Club Leaders

The Hub Club Leaders

Mrs Shepherd

Mrs Shepherd

Club Leader

Mrs Fielding

Mrs Fielding

Club Leader

Please speak to Mrs Fielding or Mrs Shepherd if you have any Hub related enquiries. 


Parental Agreement

The information set out below forms the agreement between parents and the school when parents use this provision. As noted during a request for a place, this information is subject to change during the course of the school year to maintain the effective running of provision.


Club Prices

Please note, 'Ad hoc / individual sessional' places will only be allocated once all full time requests have been prioritised.

The school office will contact you if places are available.


Monthly prices represent the annual cost of provision spread across x10 monthly payments. Figures in brackets show annual savings of full time places against equivalent cost of individual sessions

After school club - £152.00 per month (represents a £285 annual saving)
Breakfast Club x - £76 per month (represents a £142 annual saving)

Individual sessions (if available) - £4.75 AM & £9.50 PM


Breakfast Club - (7:45am – 8:50am)– children need to be dropped off and signed in at the Community Room. Children will be offered breakfast (toast/cereal/fruit juice)


After School Club – (3:20pm – 5:45pm) – children to be collected  and signed out from the Community Room. Children will be offered a light snack at each session. If parents require provision until 6pm - please see the Headteacher.

We no longer be reserving places for ad-hoc use of the club but rather prioritising those parents wishing to secure a place throughout the week. Any remaining places will then be available on an ad-hoc basis.


Allocation of places

Offered annually or termly based on completed and returned booking forms. Priority is given to current users (only where booking forms are returned promptly and those parents requiring 5 days per week for either service. The remaining places will be allocated on a first come basis.         



Once you have been offered a provisional space within the Hub,  Miss Porter will confirm your place by email which will also give you the details of setting up payment for the monthly cost of the provision. Your place is only secured once your preferred method of payment has been set up. The annual cost of the service will typically be spread over 10 monthly payments.

Parents may also chose to use their employer 'child voucher scheme' if this is available. You can find further information about these schemes here.


Contact Numbers

Club leaders can be contacted (during club hours only) on: NEW NUMBER 0161 762 0842

During school ours please contact the school office on: 0161 764 5686


Booking Places

Following receipt of your booking form, the school will confirm (by email) that a place have been allocated for payment to be made/set up. Failure to set up prompt payment will result in the allocated place being withdrawn.

Once a place has been booked we cannot allocate this to anyone else. As such the place must be paid for even if circumstances change and the place is not used. Unless two weeks notice is given in writing (or via email) to the school.


Late Collections

The Hub, after school club operates between the hours of 3:20pm at the end of the school day up until 5:45pm. We recognise that, on rare occasions parents may experience an unforeseen difficulty in collecting their child before 5:45pm. In these circumstances parents MUST always contact (0161 762 0842) staff at the club to inform them that this is case and where possible arrange an alternative adult to make the collection.

However, if children are collected after 5:45pm, this of course has implications for the staffing costs incurred by the school. As such the school has had to revise its ‘late fee’ charges where children are collected after 5:45pm.


Late Fees (per child)

NOTE: late fees are based on the cost of overtime incurred by the school where staff have to remain open of late collection.

Between 5:45pm and 6pm                 £7.00

Between 6pm and 6:15pm                 £14:00

Between 6:15pm and 6:30pm            £21.00 + £7 for each additional 15 min.

At 6:15pm, children’s social care will be contacted if no communication has been made.


Cancelling your place

If your children will not be attending the Hub for a session you have reserved it is imperative that you inform the school as early as possible to ensure staff are not spending time looking for your child at the end of the school day. Refunds will generally only be issued in cases where the school is unable to offer a place previously paid for  i.e. in the event of a school closure or in cases of prolonged illness/absence (at the discretion of the school). Parents are required to give two weeks (paid) notice if choosing to leave the club during the school year.


Equal Opportunities

We provide resources and material that reflect positively the wide range of cultural diversity of our local community. We will not accept any behaviour, language or imagery that could cause offence, irrespective of the person’s gender, religion, culture, colour ability or age.  Where children or their carers display behaviour likely to cause such offence, we reserve the right to refuse or withdraw their child’s place immediately.


Loss of Place

The following circumstances may lead to a child’s place being withdrawn:-

  • Where a child is particularly and constantly unhappy.
  • Where a child’s behaviour is consistently unacceptable.
  • Late payment of fees. Late picking up your child.
  • Where a child is absent more than 2 weeks without notification.


Other Policies

As the club is run by the school, all staff, parents and children are bound by many of the policies already used by the school i.e. Child Protection, Safeguarding, Health & Safety… please see the school website for a copy of our policies.


Complaints Procedure

In the first instance please speak to the Club Leaders (see above). If the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved in this way then parents should make an appointment to see the Headteacher.  If you are not satisfied with the outcome of any informal discussions with the school, then the school's formal complaints policy should be followed.