Dear Parent/Guardian

May I first congratulate you on securing a place in our Reception class in September 2024.

I know some of you, with older siblings already with us, are well accustomed to school life and will have a broad idea of what to expect in the run up to your child starting with us next term. For others, this will be a new, perhaps daunting but hopefully exciting first experience. Handing over your first child at the school door in September can be emotional and as a staff team, most of us have been there ourselves.

This page is designed to give you some re-assurance, to begin to set out what you need to know and how you can best prepare both yourselves and your child for a new chapter in their life and education.


This year, we are thrilled to re-establish our typical induction arrangements for new pupils and parents. As such, we are pleased to confirm the following dates:


Welcome evening (parents/carers only):                 5:30pm - 6:30pm Wednesday 12th June


Pupil visit/taster days:                                   8th, 9th and 10th July (9.15am – 10.45am)


The welcome event will be a face to face meeting in June to welcome all our new parents and give you an opportunity to meet the Early Years team. We will also set out the structure of the school day, check you have completed our online registration/information forms and communicate a range of activities you can be doing with your child before they start school.


The pupil taster/visit days are an opportunity for your child to visit the reception class in a small group, meet staff and familiarise themselves with the classroom environment in preparation for their first day in September. There will be opportunities to book your child’s visit times at the parent’s information meeting.


In the meantime, all the necessary information contained within our usual welcome pack is contained within this web page and should give parents the opportunity to look through the relevant information before any meeting and complete the range of forms we need to process your child’s place before they start in September.


On this page you will find:


All parents MUST complete the form below:


Miss Myatt and our Reception class team (please note these images do not always display in some browsers)

Our full 'Meet the Staff' page can be found here.

Miss Myatt and our Reception class team

Miss E Myatt

Miss E Myatt

Reception Teacher

Mrs K Leith

Mrs K Leith

Teaching Assistant



Our Mission & Vision Statement:   “Working together, learning together”…

...encompasses our commitment to developing every child through our partnerships with all stakeholders in their education.


At Heap Bridge Village Primary School, we aspire to ensure that each and every one of our pupils develops in to a confident learner who is proud of their achievements and well prepared for a successful life. Delivered through a vibrant curriculum, we believe that learning should be enjoyable, purposeful and challenging. We will equip pupils with the skills and dispositions they need for lifelong learning, teach them the importance of taking ownership of their own futures and ensure they develop the highest expectations for themselves in their pursuit of excellence. We will do this within a safe and supportive environment of mutual understanding, positive relationships, respect and tolerance. Regardless of any barriers to learning, we will ensure that we work in partnership with school stakeholders to ensure that every child in our school achieves the very best that they can.



A partnership between; school, parents/guardians & pupils


Staff and Governors

We will aim to:

  1. Meet the aims of the school
  2. Promote the values of the school and good behaviour
  3. Treat all pupils equally and meet the individual needs of each child
  4. Ensure effective teaching and learning takes place in a purposeful and stimulating environment
  5. Encourage the children to do their best in all areas of school life]
  6. Set and mark appropriate homework with clear instructions
  7. Keep parents informed of their children's progress at regular meetings and in their annual report
  8. Be open and welcoming to parents and enable them to become involved in the life of the school
  9. Keep parents informed about school activities through regular letters home



I will aim to:

  1. Keep the school rules
  2. Be polite and helpful to adults and children alike
  3. Listen to and care for others
  4. Bring all the equipment I need each day
  5. Do all my classwork and homework as well as I can
  6. Take care of our school and its environment


Please talk about this list with your child. If your child understands what he/she is signing, please encourage them to do so.



We/I will aim to:

  1. Support the aims of the school
  2. Support the values and the behaviour policy of the school
  3. Take an active interest in the children's life at the school
  4. Ensure good attendance and punctuality
  5. Make sure the children have the necessary equipment for school
  6. Ensure children wear correct uniform
  7. Support children in doing homework
  8. Make use of the existing means for home-school communication
  9. Attend parents' consultation evenings
  10. Inform the school of any significant change in children's lives
  11. Ensure the school has up to date medical information and emergency contact numbers..


What is good behaviour?

Our Behaviour Policy is central to everything we do in school. It promotes many qualities in our children.

At Heap Bridge School we value and encourage:

  • Cooperation and helpfulness
  • Consideration for others
  • Honesty and truthfulness
  • Listening to others and valuing their opinions
  • Patience
  • Politeness
  • Sharing
  • Tolerance and respect for others

Heap Bridge Village Primary School works hard to create an atmosphere and an environment where all children are offered the best chance to succeed. As such, each class writes its own charter based on the above expectations.