Admissions Authority
Heap Bridge Village Primary School (Academy) is a 4-11 primary school within Hollingworth Learning Trust.
As an Academy, the Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions.
The co-ordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by Rochdale Local Authority as in any Admission Appeal.
Published Admissions Number (PAN)
The admission number is set at 25.
Admission in to our Reception Class
Parents interested in securing a place at our school should visit the Rochdale LA website.
All places for our upcoming Reception intake and any in year transfers are arranged through the local authority. Parents should use the links above to navigate to the Rochdale Local Authority website where you can select the most appropriate information to help you register a place at our school.
If you are interested in our school or have already secured a place for your child - please also read the information on the related pages linked above; information, uniform and our new starters download area.
What is the admission criteria?
​For community and voluntary controlled schools we allocate places in the following order:
​Where a child has a statement of Special Educational Needs naming a specific school, the child will be allocated a place before any other places are allocated.
The remaining applications are considered in the following order of priority:
- Children in the Care of a Local Authority.
- Children with exceptional medical needs or exceptional welfare considerations which are directly relevant to the school concerned.
- Children with older siblings attending the school.
- Children eligible for the service premium.
- ​Proximity, where you live.
Timetable for applying for a reception place
In-Year Transfers between Primary Schools
Parents/Carers who would like their child to transfer to Heap Bridge Village Primary School from another primary school must complete an In-Year Transfer Application Form and return this to the School Admissions Team at Rochdale Local Authority.
If places are available, children qualifying under the published admissions criteria will be admitted.
If there are more applicants than places available, then the published oversubscription criteria will be applied.
Admissions Criteria
Awaiting latest Admissions policy
The following forms and documents are available from the School Admissions Team at Rochdale Local Authority:
- Primary School Application Form
- In-Year Transfer Form
- Primary School Appeal Form
- Primary Allocation and Appeal Procedure
- School Admission Appeal Timetable
Further Information Contact Details:
RMBC School Admissions Team
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
OL16 1XU
Tel: 0300 3030340
RMBC Legal Services Team
School Admissions Appeals
Number One Riverside
Floor 2
Smith Street
OL16 1XU